martes, 9 de agosto de 2016

Onecoin Dr. Ruja Ignatova

 There is a lot of buzz about who Dr. Ruja Ignatova is and whether the things said about her by her newest company, OneCoin, registered members, also known as miners, are true or not. There is a more than enough information on the Internet to provide ample evidence to vindicate Dr. Ruja but for some reason there are those who are also seeking to discredit her.
This negative press resulted in the realization of the need for a research document such as this one that is in your possession.
 This research document puts forth the credibility of Dr. Ruja Ignatova with factual information and is referenced with footnotes so you, as the reader can determine for yourself, what the truth is about Dr. Ruja Ignatova.
 There are those on the Internet that are knit picking at an exhaustive number of details in Dr. Ruja’s life and it is not the purpose of this document to address all these items. It would be a waste of time and a distraction from the facts that hold true value. Here is a question for you; do you know how people that work in banks and other financial services are trained to identify a counterfeit one hundred dollar bill? Do you think it would be to study with great earnestness all the possible errors in the vast number of counterfeits or is it to study the true one hundred dollar so that every detail is committed to memory? If you said the later, you are correct.

To know the truth, a person must study the truth and not error to know the truth. With this basic universal principle we will conduct this research. This is going to be simple, straightforward, and brief and common sense will be appealed to. Most truth is easy to distinguish for the person that is not twisted and confused by falsehood. The research will begin by using the biography of Dr. Ruja Ignatova that is posted on “The Economist” website, which involved the fourth annual summit of the Southern European Union, which purpose was to examine the future of the economy in Europe. With the recent bankruptcy of Greece and with many countries near bankruptcy, this was a key summit. With the “bail-in” laws now being passed around the world and possibly being exercised in Austria, there could not be a better time to look for solutions. Dr. Ruja was an invited speaker at the Summit and spoke on the future of payments and how cryptocurrency could be an integral part of the solution. Other prominent people that were present at this summit were the President of Bulgaria, the former Prime Minister or Sweden, representatives from VISA Europe and World Bank, ministers of finance for multiple European countries and other thought leaders.1

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